Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Astronomy Astounds All

Farnese Atlas, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
Example of Arader Galleries' selection of
Diderot's Astronomy Instruments

Diderot's Astronomy Instruments

“The strongest affection and utmost zeal should, I think, promote the studies concerned with the most beautiful objects. This is the discipline which deals with the universe’s divine revolutions, the stars’ motions, sizes, distances, risings, and settings . . . for what is more beautiful than heaven?” Copernicus, 1543

In celebration of the International Year of Astronomy, the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, Italy has staged the exhibit: Galileo: Images of the Universe from Antiquity to the Telescope. Florence is home to one of the world’s leading research centers for astronomic research and the birthplace of Galileo, making it the perfect destination to accommodate the greatest exhibition on the history of astronomy. This exhibit traces the history of astronomy through its images and tools, illustrating how the heavens have been a source of mystery and fascination for all civilizations. Participants are taken back to the beginnings of the study of the heavens with the mystical and poetic visions of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It then moves on to the Greek cosmogonies, through the planetary architectures of Ptolemy and Arab astronomy, revoking the Christian interpretations and finally arriving at the heliocentric theories of Copernicus that inspired Galileo and Kepler.

Highlights include the Farnese Atlas (on loan from the Museo Achelogico Nazionale, Naples) which is the oldest surviving celestial globe and the only map of the heavens from Greek and Roman antiquity, as well as the infamous telescope Galileo pointed up to the heavens exactly 400 years ago. The exhibition does an incredible job exploring the relationship between astronomy and astrology and the fascination that cosmology has always exerted on architecture and art.

Inspired by this world-class exhibit, Arader Galleries is pleased to present newly acquired prints, depicting astrological tools from Denis Diderot’s Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences et des Arts. These engravings are not only aesthetically striking but also serve to deepen our appreciation for how technology aids us in our desire to understand the universe. Namely, the telescope, more than any other tool, has enabled scientists to probe deeper into the cosmos, into the vastness of the heavens, and by consequence, completely change our conceptions of the universe and our relationship to it.

Please call 415.788.5115 for more information on Diderot’s Astronomy prints.
Please visit for more information on the Galileo exhibit.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Arader Galleries at Audubon Richardson Bay Center and Sanctuary

Arader Galleries would like to thank would like to thank the Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary, along with all attendees of the Audubon exhibition for making this event a success. A spectacular collection of hand-colored engravings from John James Audubon's Birds of America was on display at the Lyford House, a historic landmark on the edge of the San Francisco Bay, throughout this past weekend. The Lyford House, one of the oldest houses surviving from the ranching era in Marin County, was the perfect setting for extraordinary collection of Audubon engravings. We were happy to see the enthusiastic reactions to the collection of Audubon as well as artwork by the naturalists Mark Catesby (1682-1749) and John Gould (1804-1881) also on display.

If you would like to inquire about any of the artwork on display, please call contact Arader Galleries at 415.788.5115.

For more information about the Richardson Bay Center and Sanctuary, visit

Friday, June 5, 2009

Special Audubon Exhibition at the Lyford House: June 13th & 14th

John James Audubon (1785-1851)
Plate 161 - Hooping Crane (Sandhill Crane)

Lyford House at Richardson Bay, Tiburon

The Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary and Arader Galleries welcome you to attend a special exhibition of works by John James Audubon at the Lyford House in Tiburon. Arader Galleries’ spectacular collection of original engravings from John James Audubon’s Birds of America (1827-1838) will be on display in this historic landmark on the edge of San Francisco Bay.

This special collection will be on view Saturday, June 13th and Sunday, June 14th from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Arader Galleries will donate 20% of all proceeds directly to The Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary.

Please visit or call 415-788-5115 for more information. We hope to see you there!